Picture this.
You’re browsing as you usually do and land here. You read “The Canadian Explorations Heritage Society”. Whoah!!, sounds like something heralded from a hundred years ago. You may have imagined a wood panelled room with table-sized maps, leather armchairs and possibly smoke from pipes wafting throughout the room. You take a peek to see these chaps and chappettes, who amusingly call themselves the Canadian EH Society, are a dynamic, adventurous, and savvy bunch.
What the heck are they doing?
A closer look reveals an idea so extremely removed from today’s digitally inspired life that it’s possibly on the cutting edge of something new, or old, depending on how you look at it.
Their expedition leads them into the heart of the B.C. coast mountains. There are no trails, no campgrounds, no facilities, but plenty of wildlife, lots of elevation to the mountain peaks and probably a guaranteed chance of being wet and cold. Their gear and equipment consists of 1926 style materials that include wool, canvas, metal cook-pots, hemp ropes. Anything made of nylon, synthetic, or Goretex, or having zippers cannot be used.
The expeditions are all re-creations that follow in the footsteps of early Canadian explorers. Some of these early explorers are quite famous and some are fading into history. This forms the backdrop of our story.
It’s possibly on the cutting edge of something new, or old, depending on how you look at it.
What you are here to see, to read and experience is the story of these modern day climbers coping with travelling in the wilderness, dealing with the weather and each other, and attempting to climb mountains without relying on modern gear. There will be heavy loads, long distances, bushwhacking a trail, high elevations, snow and ice, glaciers, avalanche danger, rockfall, and possibly wildlife encounters.
A film-crew will follow to make the documentary film. This is life un-scripted, it’s as real as it can get. You get to follow these intrepid explorers and see how their adventure unfolds. Do they achieve what they set out to do?
What we believe
We are Canadian. What that means can sometimes feel inexplicably undefinable. Our history is not often understood or celebrated. We want to change that. We aim to set goals that stretch us beyond our current perceived capabilities.
We believe:
In doing things differently rather than follow what others have done.
That recreating historic explorations and sharing our experiences is a great way to bring Canada’s history to life.
We learn intimately what it was like by ‘walking-in-someone’s shoes”.
Using the constraints of historically accurate gear enhances creativity and true problem solving.
In working as a team to ensure our survival and safety, and makes it more fun too.
Challenges makes us stronger of mind and character.
Many people are hungry for real experiences.
We can inspire and lead people to strive to overcome their challenges.
We formed the Canadian EH Society as a catalyst and focal point for Canadian stories. These things we believe serve to help us discover what Canada and its people are made of.
The historical explorations we recreate are challenging. It is one way to see what “stuff” we are made of. By embarking on this 5 week adventure the expedition team will discover if they are made of the same “sterner stuff” the original explorers had.
We will see, won’t we?