There are a number of ways to get involved with us.
Our members are a varied lot, with a few things in common. We won’t settle for the ordinary, living day-in-and-out without a thrill thrown in here and there. We long to feel what life was like, back in the day and on the trail, in the camp and up a mountain. We are explorers living at a time when there seems to be no untouched place to explore. But we are innovative, and will find a new way to satisfy our curiosity. We travel back in time and re-create historical journeys in our great land. We live the experience, because we don’t ask why, but rather why not?
Join us! Your membership allows Canadian EH! to continue offering new adventures and ways to explore.
Take me to membershipWhether you have loads of time to volunteer or for only one event, we can use your talents. Everyone in Canadian EH Society volunteers their time. Every single person. And it is really amazing at what can be accomplished when we put our heads together. We’ve have proven that,
“We are greater than the sum of our parts.”
Check out how you can make a contribution.